Get My Job

Get My Job with ESPN's Shelley Smith

Episode Summary

You are in for a treat Fangirl Nation! This week's Get My Job is with ESPN's Shelley Smith, who is inspiring, candid, and all-around amazing. Shelley shares her journey to overcome cancer and a stroke, she gives incredible advice on being responsible, while still getting the story, and she opens up about personal and professional struggles. This truly is an incredible episode and I feel so lucky to have had the chance to sit down with Shelley. Enjoy Fangirls. I know you will!

Episode Notes

You are in for a treat Fangirl Nation! This week's Get My Job is with ESPN's Shelley Smith, who is inspiring, candid, and all-around amazing. Shelley shares her journey to overcome cancer and a stroke, she gives incredible advice on being responsible, while still getting the story, and she opens up about personal and professional struggles. This truly is an incredible episode and I feel so lucky to have had the chance to sit down with Shelley. Enjoy Fangirls. I know you will!